Dave's boggle:

Presentation: So, initially I was disappointed, it was served in a normal glass nothing special no flare at all. All rounds post had a nice touch of the cola being separated from the alcohol by the lemon which was I thought was a nice touch. (2/5)
Flavour: Through out the evening the flavour didn't score high. First one was watered down and the rest tasted way too much like peach schnapps. All in all ok(1/5)
Service: First off Braza is more of a restaurant their food is ok but the service is slow. We had to ask for our second drinks and third instead of being requested. (N/A)
Overall I would not recommend their long island ice teas, but the food was good.
Final verdict: (1/5)
Rob's Humble Opinion.

Flavour: I wasn't impressed, All 3 rounds had a remarkably different taste, with one or more of the alcoholic components being more present than another. Still, they were tasty. (1/5)
Service: Braza has a nice atmosphere, and the staff were friendly. Unfortunately, we did have to ask for our second and third drinks... as apposed to being offered. (2/5)
Great Place for a meal, but not the best long islands around. Final Verdict: (1/5)
Cost of a long island from Braza: R36.00
And of course, our review would not be complete without the soon to be infamous M-Score, the inner workings of which we shall explain in time :)
Braza's ice tea, scored a 3
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